Slam City Oracles is a rambunctious, riot grrrl, Katamari-meets-Grand Theft Auto physics game, in which you and a friend slam onto the world around you to cause as much chaos as possible in two minutes. With a rollicking riot grrrl-inspired mechanic designed and programmed by Jane Friedhoff, bright and adorable art by Jenny Jiao Hsia, and an upbeat soundtrack by Brooklyn-based, women-fronted rock band Scully, Slam City Oracles is a gleeful, delightful slam-em-up.
The Cabinet
Slam City Oracles was built by Mark Kleeb and Jane Friedhoff in 2015. It was the first cabinet to use a vertical screen layout, and thus the cabinet stands the tallest to incorporate a large portrait-style screen. Additionally, the "smash" button was an important feature for each player, so large, LED-lit buttons were used for this feature.
Slam City Oracles can be played at Wonderville in Bushwick. It is also featured on the DBAA Snackpack vol. 1 available for purchase at our store!